
I have written a number of articles throughout the years. Some were written as long ago as 2006. I keep them archived here to remind myself how much I and my views have changed over time. I have also linked a number of new articles I wish to share; they range in topic from work-related, to tech, to general articles that reflect my experiences. I hope you enjoy reading and gain something of value from them.


On twenty-two years of loving DC Comics, and four of moderating its largest fan subreddit.

My first true exposure to the DC Comics universe was in 1996...

Show Me How You Think

Why Critical Reasoning Should be Tested in Interviews.

You can't build an iPhone with Python

Worries I have about the narrow definition of engineering being created by bootcamps and other coding initiatives.

Why pick you?

Ways not to answer this dreaded question in pitches and interviews.

Tech and Engineering

How to design your homebrew IoT solution with security in mind

If your garage project has a chance of hitting shelves, you’ll want to keep your users safe from the start.

What happened to Chatbots?

60 days with a 3-D Printer

A tale of joy, failure, and the will to build.

My $80 dollar smartwatch and the mental freedom it gave me

My experience so far with the Huami Amazfit Bip.


Bhavya Kashyap - Articles

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